Tungalagtuya Khuukhenduu – Chairwoman, Program Coordinator
A Graduate from The National University of Mongolia, with Master’s Degree in Biology Science, has been working in the field over 15 years. You can contact Tungaa at tungaa@nnc-mongolia.org

Dolzodmaa Purevjav – Board Member, Evaluation and Monitoring Officer
A Graduate from Franklin University, Columbus, OH, working in the Conservation sector since 2002 and she can be contacted at dolzoo@nnc-mongolia.org
Meghan Rubinstein – Board Member, Education Program Consultant
Conservation Education Coordinator at Denver Zoo, Colorado, working with Nomadic Nature Trunk Program since its start. You can contact Meghan at mrubinstein@denverzoo.org

Jeremy Schmidt – Board Member, Publication and Designing
President of Conservation Ink, he supports NNC and The Nomadic Nature Trunk Program with publications and designing since 2007. Contact him at jcs@conservationink.org

Bayarsaikhan Tumur – Board Member, Logistic Officer
A Graduate from The Mongolian University of Science and Technology, is responsible for the logistics of NNC and working with conservationists for many years. You can reach him at bayaraa@nnc-mongolia.org