Program Objectives:
- To support rural herder families by supplementing their income and enabling them to sustain their traditional livelihoods in a way that conserves the natural resources on which they depend
- To enable visitors to learn about traditional herder lifestyles through authentic experiences with rural Mongolians and gain an understanding of and appreciation for traditional nomadic Mongolian culture.
The authentic visits available through this program are unique for several reasons. (1) They enable people living in or visiting Mongolia to spend time with herder communities that NNC has been working with for years. (2) They enable visitors to both learn from and contribute to the well-being of Mongolians who have lived on the grasslands for generations and still practice traditional nomadic lifestyles. (3) Through the program’s experiences participants gain increased appreciation of and understanding for a rural mode of living that is based on conservation of resources and sustained respect for the land.
To date, programs have been established in two communities: Darkhit and Uul Jargalant. Their locations are shown on the map in red.

In rural Mongolia, the poverty rate (47% in 2010) and the vulnerability to extreme weather (e.g. dzud and drought) are major factors. Herders, especially less affluent ones, can benefit from the supplemental income that this program promises (for example, they use the currency earned to build up their herds following devastating events).
This program was developed with funding from the U. S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar and the Fulbright Program, administered by the U. S. Department of State. The ongoing program is supported by participant fees that go to the herder communities that host the visits. In addition to providing the herder communities with supplemental income, the proceeds build a community fund for conservation activities. A small administrative/coordination fee goes to NNC, to cover their costs of coordinating the program.
To arrange your visit, contact Tungalagtuya Khuukhenduu, Program Director, Nomadic Nature Conservation, Mongolia by e-mail at